I am sitting here booking my reservations for the AAG conference that I have to go to in April. Luckily its in Denver a city I love. I am excited to go and nervous at the same time. I am going to be presenting a paper and chairing the session that I am in. I have no idea whatsoever how I got to be chair. I wonder if the rest of the people in my session are grad students and I got it by default. Or maybe being in the Bureau has some sort of signifigance. Anyway, my boss sugegsted that I get a head start and contact the people in my session for short bios so that I can put together a little diddy at the beginning of his/her paper. Now if only I can actually get my shit together and write my OWN paper things would be ok LOL! I am going to be seeing people I havent seen since I left NYC 5 years ago. I am not looking forward seeing to my former Grad advisor. We left on bad terms. But I may have to do some ass kissing if I want to go back for my PhD. OY!
Better get back to work. Ciao!
Better get back to work. Ciao!
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