Dont buy a Dodge car.
I went to my local bank this morning to deposit a check so that I can have some money for this weekend. I went to the branch in Suitland (aka Shootland the lovely ghetto where I work). I could not reach the ATM machine so I opened up the car door. I make my transaction and close to door to go to work. Low and behold the damn interior light will not turn off. Thinking I might have not closed the car door all the way I repeatedly open and close the door at every stop light. Nothing works. So now I am pissed, its getting hot in my car and it is mad foggy outside so it is difficult to drive. I get to the garage and I still cant get the damn light to turn off. I ran into Tonja (a coworker) who used to own a Dodge Neon and asked her if she has ever had this problem before. She says no. We investigate every reason why my light wont turn off. She notices that the door has this pop-up sensor that when it touches the car door the light turns off. So I am playing with the switch and she says that the popup part of the sensor is stuck and that is why the light isnt turning off. So I decide that I had enough of this shit and I rip off the cover of an atlas (RIP Atlas) sitting in my backseat and wedge it ever so carefully between the door and where the sensor is trying not to slam my finger in the car door. The goddamn light turns off and my alarm comes on. I call my garage and I cant get in until Friday. So now I have to close the door this way which is a total pain in the ass. Well at least I can get the car to not drain my battery. And the best part is the freaking car isnt going to be paid off till June 2006. Yay, me :(
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