Day off/Running Errands.
My work schedule allows me to take every 2nd Friday off. I work what is called an advanced schedule (I work 9 hour days). On these Friday's off I like to take care of errands so that I dont have to do it on the weekends. And since I will not be getting a visit from MR. K I have to keep myself busy. Here is what I plan on doing this weekend.
Go to the gym.
Go to UPS to pickup a package.
Go to The Charles to see "The Motorcycle Diaries".
Hit Either Pier 1 or Bed Bath and Beyond causeI got two gift cards that are burning a hole in my pocket. As a matter of fact I have one to Borders too! YAY!
Saturday I am having a lunch with a friend and we are going to the bead store.
Sunday is for Football and reading the NY Times in my pjs.
Pretty good weekend :)
Go to the gym.
Go to UPS to pickup a package.
Go to The Charles to see "The Motorcycle Diaries".
Hit Either Pier 1 or Bed Bath and Beyond causeI got two gift cards that are burning a hole in my pocket. As a matter of fact I have one to Borders too! YAY!
Saturday I am having a lunch with a friend and we are going to the bead store.
Sunday is for Football and reading the NY Times in my pjs.
Pretty good weekend :)
They have a store for beads? I truly hope you are perhaps referring to the bead section at an arts and crafts store.
Posted by
Kev |
12:02 PM
Nope, it's an actual store *just* for beads - I've been there.
Posted by
Eliza |
12:13 PM
So have I. Pretty strange place, but if you need beads, there is no better place to go...
Posted by
Jeff |
5:41 PM