Tired of watching tv.
I had a bit of a respite this afternoon as I went into downtown Bmore with a friend to have lunch. I had a good time as we caught up and I was able to talk about what is going on with my life. I really dont have many friends here in Bmore and that's cause I was involved in a relationship where my time was monopolized and I didnt really work on friendships with other people. Now that I have all of this time on my hands I am not quite sure what to do with myself. I dont really have a lot to spend until I get paid next and no one to do anything with. Sometimes I get sad and that is one of the reasons why I continue seeing my therapist, to have someone to talk to. Tonight I am very restless and pacing the apartment. My cat doesnt seem very happy either. :( I better go watch more tv or I am going to start thinking my crazy thoughts again and then get really upset. Looks like I am going to bed early too, lucky me.
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