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Thursday, December 30, 2004 

2004 Year in Review

Wow. This has been one crazy year for me. I'll try my best to review the major happenings in my life and not make them boring. So if you are interested then read on....

I finished my 1st year at the Bureau. Overall I can say that I very much enjoy my job. The people that I work with for the most part are funny, smart and pleasant. There are two exceptions, but one retired and the other knows how I feel about her so we generally avoid one another. I dont care for the commute but what can you do, right?

I ended two relationships this year. The first with a long-term boyfriend and the other with a "friend" whom I knew for a long time. The break-up was a long time coming but I couldn't muster the strength to do so. I didn't want to hurt his feelings as he is a great guy, just not the one for me. We continue to be friends and share custody of the Cat. The other I loosely term "friend" or as my therapist called this individual "Poison". That one took me a lot of therapy and hundreds of dollars to end. Oh and five years of bullshit that I dealt with. It took a toll on my mental and physical health but now it is all over.

I also started another relationship with Mr. K , a wonderful person who makes me laugh and smile like I have never done before. Its amazing how one person can make you feel like you are the most special person in the world. I hope I make him as happy as he makes me.

One of my best friends got married and the other is on the verge. Boy do I feel old. My favorite cousin is starting college in the fall. Once again I feel old. Could be because I turned 29 this year.

I renewed my lease for one more year. God willing this is my last year in B'more. I am looking to move back north of the Mason-Dixon line. I have had enough of the south and need to be amongst my own people and I don't mean PRs. More like normal people.

Well that's it for now. If I think of anything more I will add it on.


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About me

  • I'm DivineMsN
  • From Land of the Jersey Hair, New Joisey, United States
  • NYC girl who has away for awhile but somehow managed to make it back across the Mason-Dixon Line. Now living in NJ at least for the foreseeable future.
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