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Friday, December 24, 2004 

So I lied...

I am sitting here in Brooklyn watching a bootleg copy of The Incredibles trying to gather the strength to get dressed for dinner. I went to bed late last night because I was hanging out with my cousin Jenny while being on the phone with the Woo-er. He got to hear just hot crazy my family really is. I just hope he doesn't suddenly decide that he no longer wants to resume his wooing because he saw just what crackheads my cousin and I are when we are together.

Earlier I went grocery shopping with my Titi and cousin Eddie. I had him drop me off in Greenpoint because I went to go look for a skirt for tomorrow night. I wasnt able to find anything that I liked and I didnt pack one in my bag. So Woo-er I tried and failed, just dont hold it against me. I was going to take the bus back but never actually sat the #61 as I was walking down Manhattan Ave. I saw plenty of #24s though. So I decided to walk the way back home. It was a nice yet cold, long walk. I saw a lot of places that reminded me of my childhood. I was tired when I got back home and took a nap. I still need to get dressed.

I am so very looking forward to tonight. My uncle Joe is hosting 25 PRs who will soon be drunk and loud. We'll open gifts at midnight, go to bed late and start it all over again in the morning. Then I will shuttle myself over to the other uncle, open gifts and eat dinner. Then hopefull drive to Jersey and spend the evening with the Woo-er. Oh and don't forget all the football that will be on this weekend. YAY!

Merry Xmas All!

1 comment

If I told you that you had a nice body, would you hold it against me?

So you didn't find a skirt you liked ... what about one I would like?

And no, I am not going to decide that I no longer want to resume wooing just because I listened to you and your cousin acting like crackheads (although I wonder if a spoon and a lighter might make for an OK Christmas present). It was a very entertaining experience. Not quite what you get when all the Scandenavians get together, but entertaining nonetheless.

And speaking of drinking, I'll have to bring some good ol' Norwegian Aquavit when I visit Brooklyn. It's the true secret to how we Arctic folk stay warm during those nippy -30 degree nights.

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  • I'm DivineMsN
  • From Land of the Jersey Hair, New Joisey, United States
  • NYC girl who has away for awhile but somehow managed to make it back across the Mason-Dixon Line. Now living in NJ at least for the foreseeable future.
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