Thursday, June 29, 2006 

Viv Pickle news

Viv Pickle is a handbag design shop here is Philly where you can create your own handbag using their designs and tons of their fabric. It's a very cool store so if you are in the Old City area check them out.

They are going to be at 30th St station starting July 9th taking donations for "The Career Wardrobe" an organization that helps low-income women transition into the workforce. Oh, and they are trying the beat the world's record for the largest handbag ever made!

More info here.


Mt. Laurel, NJ reader busted.

Whoever is reading my blog from Mt. Laurel, NJ is blowing up my statcounter. Yes I can read where my readers are coming from. I have an idea who it is. Consider this a warning.

Monday, June 26, 2006 

Happy Belated Birthday Ms. GreyCats!


Philly Shout Out: Dom The Stainless Steel Chef.

I have been meaning for a while now to post baout my favorite Philly street vendor Dom. He has a cart outside of the Ben Franklin Building on 9th between Chestunt & Samson. He is absolutely hilarious with his renditions of popular songs and makes a mean Bacon, Egg and Cheese sandwich. I always have the same order everyday (a toasted poppy bagel). Dom sings as he make his order. He likes to change the words to the pop tunes to fit what he is making. For my order he sings the Madonna song "Papa Don't Preach" caltering the words to "Poppy Don't Preach". I guess you have to be there to hear him. :) Today I left my umbrella home and got caught in some nasty rain on the way to work. I stopped by Dom's cart to get my usual, and I complained that I left my umbrella. Do you know that he lent me his own personal umbrella so that I could get to work dry? Just when I lost my faith in humanity this really lifted my spirits! Thank you DOM!

Thursday, June 22, 2006 

So much for a good deed.

Last nite I hung out with Ms. GreyCats and a few other Philly folk. We went out for a quick after work drink and then saw a showing of Al Gore's movie Inconvenient Consequences. On the way back Ms. GreyCats and I strolled thru some of the Independence area buildings on our way back home. We came across a woman who was passed out behind one of the buildings. She was lying on some stairs on her back. We were concerned because we thought that she looked liked she was drunk and might be in trouble. We walked a few blocks to find a police officer. In front of Independence Hall Ms. GreyCats flagged down a National Park Service Officer and we told him the situation. He called over to a co-worker and we told him the story. We were told that this woman is a known homeless person and that we shouldn't worry about it. We were assured that an officer would do a "health and welfare" check on her. I doubt that they even bothered after that. At least we tried.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006 

San Diego/Tijuana Summer 2005

I have been playing around with flickr and decided to post me and Mr. K's trip to San Diego and Tijuana as a slideshow. Hope you enjoy it.

Monday, June 19, 2006 

Spamalot, Thanksalot!

On Sunday I took (well he drove) Mr. K to see Spamalot on Broadway. I knew that he had been wanting to see it and I wanted him to have a very special Father's Day. I wasn't sure that I was going to like it but I wound up loving it. This is a very funny play and you don't have to be a fan of Monty Python to enjoy it. Though many of the original cast are no longer with the show you would not have known with the applause that it received from the fans. Def worth making the treck up to Times Square.

PS: Hank Azaria was the guy I was talking about Mr. K :)

My man Alan Tudyk was in this for a while last year, sigh!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006 

Christmas Tree Shops! YAY!

On our now weekly visit to Wegman's Mr. K and I decided to spice things up a bit and hit the new W's that opened up in Cherry Hill. I am here to report that is looks exactly like the one in Mt. Laurel. Anyhoo, a few doors down from W's I saw that they opened up A Christmas Tree Shop. I absolutely love this store! The only other one that I went to was on Cape Cod and it was such a cool store. They are sort of like a nice five and dime store but they have some really good bargains and nice furniture. Mr. K and I looked thru the furniture and started picking out stuff for future purchases. I can't wait to go back!

Monday, June 12, 2006 

Holy Shit! Clerks 2!

Is coming out this summer, early August!

This almost slipped past me. Check out the website here.

The clips look promising. This better not be another Jersey Girl!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006 

This story gives me the creeps

Holy crap! A NY woman contacted Herpes from an Asian eyebrow waxer. What did I tell you all about getting your eyebrows waxed at those cheap "salons"?

Story here.

Friday, June 02, 2006 


Last night we had the most horrible thunderstorms that I have ever seen. According to the news there were 10,000 lightening strikes. One hit a tree next to my building that zapped my VCR. Totally fried. At least that was all that I lost. One of my neighbors lost his television and another one lost everything in her living room. I got a good look at the tree this morning on my way to work. The bolt snapped the top off of the tree. This is twice that I have been near a tree zapped by lightening. When I was living in MD a tree not more than 10 feet from my them bf's house was demolished and the ex-bf lost over $5000 worth of stuff. Luckily he had homeowners insurance. I didn't think I would regain my hearing after that storm.

My cats were of course freaking out. Dude decided that he was going to spent the night under the bed. It took me an hour to coax him out. Leo was his usual self. He followed me all over the house when I went around making sure everything worked. He aint afraid of shit. Crazy fucker that one I tell ya.

I will be replacing this VCR with the one in my living room. I don't use it too often but I run my cable thru it cause I am too lazy to get u and change the channel manually.

Thursday, June 01, 2006 

For my AK friends.

About me

  • I'm DivineMsN
  • From Land of the Jersey Hair, New Joisey, United States
  • NYC girl who has away for awhile but somehow managed to make it back across the Mason-Dixon Line. Now living in NJ at least for the foreseeable future.
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  • No More Me. Ice Guy
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  • Confessions of a Woman on the Verge
  • You're Shitting Me, Right?
  • Confessions of the Koog
  • Blogging Project Runway
  • Craftster
  • Four Four
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