Last night we had the most horrible thunderstorms that I have ever seen. According to the news there were 10,000 lightening strikes. One hit a tree next to my building that zapped my VCR. Totally fried. At least that was all that I lost. One of my neighbors lost his television and another one lost everything in her living room. I got a good look at the tree this morning on my way to work. The bolt snapped the top off of the tree. This is twice that I have been near a tree zapped by lightening. When I was living in MD a tree not more than 10 feet from my them bf's house was demolished and the ex-bf lost over $5000 worth of stuff. Luckily he had homeowners insurance. I didn't think I would regain my hearing after that storm.
My cats were of course freaking out. Dude decided that he was going to spent the night under the bed. It took me an hour to coax him out. Leo was his usual self. He followed me all over the house when I went around making sure everything worked. He aint afraid of shit. Crazy fucker that one I tell ya.
I will be replacing this VCR with the one in my living room. I don't use it too often but I run my cable thru it cause I am too lazy to get u and change the channel manually.
My cats were of course freaking out. Dude decided that he was going to spent the night under the bed. It took me an hour to coax him out. Leo was his usual self. He followed me all over the house when I went around making sure everything worked. He aint afraid of shit. Crazy fucker that one I tell ya.
I will be replacing this VCR with the one in my living room. I don't use it too often but I run my cable thru it cause I am too lazy to get u and change the channel manually.
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