My morning planning.
Most mornings I am a mess. I am still so groggy from sleep that I usually cant decide what I am going to wear to work. And what I want to wear to work is usually too wrinkled or dirty. Because I am in a time crunch what I have started doing is scheduling a week's worth of outfits. No, I don't have OCD (at least I don't think I do). So far I have done this for two weeks and it has worked really well. During Michael's (craft store) after Xmas sale I picked up some nifty weekly calendars that have magnetic backs. I have one on our fridge that tells everyone what the week's meals are and I use one for my outfit planning. I have two casual days so I can wear jeans and then I plan three work-appropriate outfits. That seemed more manageable for me. The Sunday before the workweek I pick out my clothing, iron and put in a stack in my closet so I can easily fish it out. The planning ahead also gives me a chance to see exactly what I own and cycle thru stuff.
Labels: Fashion Maven, frugal, planning ahead
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