Tuesday, May 30, 2006 

Katie Holmes' body double?

Doesn't the chick who plays Tom Cruise's wife look like a bad copy of Katie Holmes? C'mon you know it does.

Thursday, May 25, 2006 

Eyebrow Artisans.

I was very excited to read on the internets that Oprah is as fanatic about eyebrows as I am. I just got mine done yesterday by the fabulous Mary at East End Salon here in Philly. When I first went to visit her they were in very bad shape. I used to get them done at the cheapo nail salons and they totally ruined them. Now after about 8 months they are really getting to be what I want them to look like. Nice arch, perfect size for my face. I couldn't be happier. So ladies treat yourself to a real brow artisan you'll be better off I swear!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006 

How to waste your time.

Angry Alien has some new 30 second movie parodies.

New Foamy Posts!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006 

Proper Flossing.

Part of my New Year's resolution was that I would start taking good care of myself. Part of that was to go to the dentist. After my first visit I was hooked. I guess I am one of those weird people who actually like going to the dentist. I love getting my teeth cleaned. Because of my new found tooth awareness I have discovered the joy of flossing. I never really did it before and I wasn't doing it right at all. My fave floss is Crest Glide in cool mint. I like the tape as opposed to the old fashioned stuff as I found that I was flossing to hard and was cutting my gums. The Crest tape leaves a nice minty taste in your mouth. I carry a box of it in my make-up bag. They also market it in these cool to go foil packages. I almost bought some the other day but decided to wait until I use this stuff up.

Click here for the proper was to floss.

Monday, May 22, 2006 

Updated Cat Pics

I got a new phone with a camera so I took some inaugural shots of my cats:

This is Dude. Who sleeps right next to me on one of my pillows.

Here is Leo. He sleeps at my feet as far away from Dude as possible.

Leo posing for the camera.

Dude on my nightstand.

Thursday, May 18, 2006 

July 16, 2006!

Is the date where I send in my final carpayment! Oh my lord I thought I would never see this day!

With my luck the car will die on the 17th.


Freakonomics Blog.

One of the best books that I read this year (well I actually bought the audiobook) was Freakonomics. Thoroughly entertaining and I guarantee that you will learn something and manage a few laughs too. I just found out that the authors have a blog. If you are into politics, economics or just want something cool to read check it out.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006 

Inside Joke (For Mr. K)

Tuesday, May 16, 2006 

Foamy is a Foodie?

Who knew?

Though I doubt he would spend $50 on some cheese (ahem, AK Jen!)

Monday, May 15, 2006 

Another Great Salmon Recipe

Maple Salmon. Before baking I added a light layer of light brown sugar. It sweetened the dish up nicely and added an extra dark coating on top. I had this with french styled green beans. Yummy!

Friday, May 12, 2006 

Ten Things I am Grateful For.

1) My job. It allowed me to transfer to a new city and make more pay.

2) Mr. K. Because even though we sometimes have to agree to disagree I love no one more.

3) My Ipod. It makes my commute so much better.

4) My cats. Even though the can be PITAs they make me laugh and smile.

5) My friends. Who always invite me to the coolest things.

6) That I am able to support myself and not have to rely on anyone.

7) That I am willing to fight for what I believe in.

8) The ability to always want to learn.

9) My love of cooking and my love of eating.

10) That I come from the school of hardknocks.

Thanks muse for posting your list.

Thursday, May 11, 2006 

Today's horoscope.

"Someone extremely powerful is in charge of your life -- namely, you. Keep reminding yourself of that, especially if it seems like outward circumstances are having more influence than you'd like right now".

This should be my personal motto. I have always believed that only you can dictate what goes on in your life. No matter what life gives you, it is you that decides what to do and how to react.

So when life gives you lemonades, throw then right back!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006 

More reason to listen to my ipod.

How did I miss this? My man Tyler Florence is hosting an one hour cooking show on WWOR in my hometown NYC! You can listen online or download it from the Apple Music store for free. Oh yeah!


Feeling litigious.

I can't go too much into detail but it looks like Ms.N is going to be involved in a Federal lawsuit against a credit agency that has been playing dirty with me for years. I met with an attorney yesterday and he took my case instantly. I had years worth of documentation that I have held onto for this exact moment. Things are just starting to roll and I am working on gathering other evidence for the case. I'll post what I can when I can. Wish me luck!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006 

First Friday Happenings.

Last friday GreyCats, Mr. K and I went out for First Friday here in Philly. It's a once a month event where many of the places in Old City open up and have people come in and have some wine and other treats. This is a good way to see what's in the art galleries. GreyCats brought me into the coolest store called Viv Pickle. Here you can create your own very cool handbag out of the fabrics and patterns that they have in stock. I fell in love with a baguette style and GreyCats wanted a new backpack. Mr. K was more amused with the fact that their logo was a pickle (which they attach to all of their creations). I plan on going back soon. They even do parties!

Monday, May 08, 2006 

One down eight more to go.

I got the scare of my life Sat morning. I let the cats out on my porch while I was doing some chores. I got a feeling (like my spidey senses were tingling) that something was wrong. I go out to the porch and see Dude staring out over the edge of the porch. This in itself wasn't unusual. I looked around and didnt see Leo. I call his name and look around the apt. Nothing. I decided to go back out on the porch and Dude is still looking at the ground. So I decided to look. What do I see but Leo standing next to a tree. I freak out run downstairs (3 flights) without any shoes on. I get close to him and call his name. He looks at me (I am trying not to freak him out and cause him to run). I walk behind him and scoop him up. He fell 3 stories to the ground! He only had a couple of scratches on his nose when I inspected him. Needless to say he wasn't too keen on getting close to the edge of the porch for the rest of the weekend. He was especially nice to everyone for the next few days too. I guess loosing a catlife will do that to ya.

Friday, May 05, 2006 

Feliz Cinco De Mayo.

Even though I don't really drink and I am not Mexican. :)

Here is a question for my readers: What is the true meaning of Cinco De Mayo?

Tuesday, May 02, 2006 

Geographic Literacy

Here is a story from Yahoo that talks about how most Americans cant read a map, or find anything on a map. I find this really appalling as I am a geographer by trade. I certainly didn't receive any geographic training until I went to college where I took my first geography course. I had some great geo professors who made me excited about the discipline. I was lucky to discover geography and be able to make a living from it. I hope that we all take this seriously as our children are lacking behind most countries in science and math (both major components of geography). If we don't do something now we are going to be in serious trouble.

Monday, May 01, 2006 

Spring cleaning.

This weekend I finally put away most of my winter clothing. I have two huge bags of stuff to donate. I can't believe how much stuff I own. I noticed that my set of drawers is starting to some apart so it looks like I am going to have to spring for some new bedroom furniture. I need a new bed anyway. My mattress is getting lumpy and the bed is too small for me at the cats. Especially when they think that they can sleep smack in the middle of the bed. Not much else to report this weekend. I did see a movie called Serenity. Its the movie version of the tv show Firefly. It was awesome! I also tried a new vegetarian recipe from Jack Bishop's book A Year in a Vegetarian kitchen. Its a recipe for black beans and platanos. Very yummy. I have some for lunch today.

About me

  • I'm DivineMsN
  • From Land of the Jersey Hair, New Joisey, United States
  • NYC girl who has away for awhile but somehow managed to make it back across the Mason-Dixon Line. Now living in NJ at least for the foreseeable future.
My profile


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  • Girl on Film
  • No More Me. Ice Guy
  • UrbanMuse
  • Confessions of a Woman on the Verge
  • You're Shitting Me, Right?
  • Confessions of the Koog
  • Blogging Project Runway
  • Craftster
  • Four Four
  • Project Rungay
  • Boston Gal's Open Wallet
  • Saving Advice.com
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