Hope Y'all Had A Great Thanksgiving!
Mr. K and I had not one but two Thanksgiving meals last week. I had an early dinner with one of my uncle's and a late afternoon meal with another uncle. It's almost like being the child of divorce. If I hit one and not the other someone is bound to be pissed and I will end up on a shit list. So I make sure that hit both. Mr. K was kind enough to come along for the ride. We ate lots of traditional turkey grub as well as some spanish food. We got to watch some football too. My pumpkin pies went over well :) Sat was little Ms. K's bday so she went off to see a play with Mr. K and I took little Mr. K to a museum. I was beat by the end of the day. Now I am back at work and then off to HQ for the next few days. CIAO!
Ms. N
Ms. N
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