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Monday, August 22, 2005 

So far so good?

Things are well on the Philly front. I am settling into my 3rd week at the new job, getting used to a new city. I have been taking walks around the office so that I can get oriented with the area. I signed my lease this weekend and move in next month. I can't wait to have my own place again, living in a hotel sucks. Well living at the extended stay hotel I am in sucks. Luckily Mr. K is a few minutes away so I hang out with him alot.

We did have a moment of drama this weekend. Mr. K's phone was momentarily disconnected and he was unreachable. I was out with Ms. CWV doing some bridal stuff with her and her mother-in -aw to be when I got a call on my cell phone that I didn't recognize. I answered it thinking it was Mr. K calling me from a different number. Turns out it was his ex looking for him. I flipped. I have told Mr. K in the past that I want to limit my contact with her. So now I am faced with the possibility of changing my phone number which would inconvenience me greatly. Its amazing how this 15 sec phone call ruined my whole day. I go out of my way to avoid her and now she has access to me. It's not Mr.K's fault that she got my number but I don't want to have to field her calls when she can't locate him. I let her go easy once the next time I am ripping her head off.

Other than that not much else going on here. I do have to travel to Western PA for a business trip. Oh Joy!

Hope everyone is doing well. Ta Ta for now.


If you're working where I think you're working, is the Kyber Pass still there? That was a great watering hole back in the early 90's for me...

It was on 2nd Street, just south of Market St.

Hope all is well!

Why is she even contacting him anymore? Unless there are kids involved, exes should remain just that, exes, as in a former part of your life, end of story. (but I'm a jealous type, so, your mileage may vary!) ;)

It was about the kids, Muse. Well, kid in this particular case.

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  • I'm DivineMsN
  • From Land of the Jersey Hair, New Joisey, United States
  • NYC girl who has away for awhile but somehow managed to make it back across the Mason-Dixon Line. Now living in NJ at least for the foreseeable future.
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