One foot out the door...
Took down the last of my cubicle stuff. It's just a matter of hours before I leave! My boss brought in bagels for our last day (another coworker is leaving to pursue other activities). I was touched. I emailed Mr. K about it and this was his response....
"You know there will be a bigger celebration of your departures after
you guys are gone, don't you?"
You know he is probably right. I know of at least one individual who will be doing cartwheels upon my departure. (More on that later).
Thanks Mr. K, I love you too.
I get no respect :)
"You know there will be a bigger celebration of your departures after
you guys are gone, don't you?"
You know he is probably right. I know of at least one individual who will be doing cartwheels upon my departure. (More on that later).
Thanks Mr. K, I love you too.
I get no respect :)
Oh, how I love the way you pick and choose which of the things I say to you are blogworthy. My Postcards Across America thing goes unmentioned, yet not only does this get posted, it gets highlit (that sounds so much better than highlighted) in color!
You know that most of the people there will miss you dearly, and the ones that miss you the most are the ones matter the most.
As for those who won't miss you, I'll follow the lead of the French knight in Monty Python's Quest for the Holy Grail and say "I fart in your general direction!"
Posted by
Kev |
9:37 AM
LOL! Only you know how true that is!
It's my blog, I'll post what I want :P
Posted by
DivineMsN |
10:21 AM