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Tuesday, August 30, 2005 

Seven Things Quiz


Seven things you plan to do before you die!!
1. Own a home (at least one!)
2. Write a book
3. Visit Puerto Rico
4. Own a nice car
5. Lose weight
6. Make peace with my family
7. Retire

Seven things you can do!!
1. Stand up for myself
2. Speak three languages
3. Not speak to anyone for days on end
4. Organize
5. Make Mr. K happy
6. I am really good at Trivial Pursuit
7. Cook

Seven things you can't do!!!
1. Take shit from people
2. Be around bees
3. Lie to myself
4. Take a vacation cause I'm broke for a while
5. Put on a bathingsuit
6. See may cat cause he is still back in MD
7. Wear anything without sleeves

Seven things that attract you to the opposite sex!!
1. Nice eyes
2. Self confidence
3. Sharp wit, sense of humor
4. Intelligence
5. Interesting Nose
6. Nice Hair
7. Big guy (I'm a big girl I need a big guy)

Seven things you say most!!!
1. “I love you”
2. “Thank you”
3. "Goddamit"
4. "Omobodiddleboppo"
5. "Colito"
6. "Hola "
7. "Mubbledudible"

Seven celebrity crushes!!!
1. Bono
2. Ioan Gruffudd
3. Chris Noth
4. Thom from Queer Eye
5. Kyle Secor
6. Ben Affleck
7. Hugh Grant

Seven people you want to take this quiz..
1. Mr. K
2. Cornflakegrrl
3. Ranger Tom
4. Urbaine Muse
5. Daddio
6. Koog
7. Anyone reading my blog


done just for you MsN! Take a look.

Copied onto a Word document, and will post later this week!

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About me

  • I'm DivineMsN
  • From Land of the Jersey Hair, New Joisey, United States
  • NYC girl who has away for awhile but somehow managed to make it back across the Mason-Dixon Line. Now living in NJ at least for the foreseeable future.
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  • Blogger Templates
  • Snarkspot
  • Girl on Film
  • No More Me. Ice Guy
  • UrbanMuse
  • Confessions of a Woman on the Verge
  • You're Shitting Me, Right?
  • Confessions of the Koog
  • Blogging Project Runway
  • Craftster
  • Four Four
  • Project Rungay
  • Boston Gal's Open Wallet
  • Saving Advice.com
  • Jennifer Weiner
  • Catster

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