Tuesday is Chooseday!

- Would you rather:
- Get a splinter in your finger OR stub your toe?
- Eat at denny's OR the international house of pancakes?
- Be a world renowned martial artist with multiple black belts OR a famous international negotiator?
- Have to wear a flashing neon sign that reads "shut up fool!" for a week OR dress like flavor flav for a week?
1. Stub my toe. Splinters are a pain to get out. Stubbing is a shot of pain but it is over quickly.
2. Denny's. Not a big fan of IHOP. Yuck :(
3. Ohh famous international negotiator please! Do I get to wear fabulous outfits too??
4. Umm. I guess the neon sign since I think like that anyway. Flava Flave!
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