my mind is my enemy
my mind is my enemy
it makes me think and do irrational things
my mind is my enemy
anger and anxiety rule me
my mind is my enemy
once it starts there is no stop
my mind is my enemy
it makes me think and do irrational things
my mind is my enemy
anger and anxiety rule me
my mind is my enemy
once it starts there is no stop
my mind is my enemy
Rain falls hard
Burns dry
A dream
Or a song
That hits you so hard
Filling you up
And suddenly gone
Breath Feel Love
Give Free
Know in your soul
Like your blood knows the way
From you heart to your brain
Know that you're whole
And you're shining
Like the brightest star
A transmission
On the midnight radio
And you're spinning
Like a 45
Dancing to your rock and roll
And all the strange rock and rollers
You know you're doing all right
So hold on to each other
You gotta hold on tonight
And you're shining
Like the brightest stars
A transmission
On the midnight radio
Lift up your hands
Posted by
Eliza |
10:44 AM
My soul is my haven
Crossing the divide between spiritual and physical
Between real and unreal
Between heaven and chaos
My mind, my body, my physical presence
All temporary, all decaying like everything else
Just toys to play with until they break
Then they’ll be cast away
My thoughts are my puzzles
Finding the truths inside the chaotic labyrinth
Random neural firings impede the path
Distractions of the physical world
My spirit is my eternity
This life is but part of a longer journey
And when I can remember that
I am the calm, cool center of the universe
Posted by
Kev |
1:29 PM