More Dodge Drama
This past weekend my car stereo decided that it no longer wanted to tell me what time it was. The lights on the clock part have dimmed so badly that I can no longer read the time. I thought that it was going to be ok when they turned on Sunday but low and behold they have faded again. I just hope that the radio and cd player keep working cause I am not going to replace them. So to everyone out there if I am ever late for an event blame the Neon. Since I have stopped wearing a watch (for over a year now) I am now completely dependent on my cell phone for the time. Let's hope that I don't lose it. Luckily Kev got me another one so I get to carry two around :)
Dodge/Aiwa stereo 2 Noemi 1
Dodge/Aiwa stereo 2 Noemi 1
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