Today's horoscope.
Very fitting.
Set about learning a foreign language: you'll draw immense satisfactions and profits from it. The ties of your couple will be good; you'll each know how to find a certain independence all the while being united on ideas and common projects. Your children may be particularly aggressive, sulky and rebellious. Try to de-dramatize the situation; you must take it seriously, but by no means tragically. The tensions will soften only very progressively; therefore have patience.
Set about learning a foreign language: you'll draw immense satisfactions and profits from it. The ties of your couple will be good; you'll each know how to find a certain independence all the while being united on ideas and common projects. Your children may be particularly aggressive, sulky and rebellious. Try to de-dramatize the situation; you must take it seriously, but by no means tragically. The tensions will soften only very progressively; therefore have patience.
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