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Monday, February 07, 2005 

Sugar Daddy, bring it home. Or what I am listening to now.

I got the Hedwig and the Angry Inch soundtrack from Eliza this weekend and have listened to it non stop. My favorite song is "Sugardaddy".

I've got a sweet tooth
for licorice drops and jelly roll,
Hey sugar daddy,
Hansel needs some sugar in his bowl.

I'll lay out fine china on the linen
And polish up the chrome
and if you've got some sugar for me,
Sugar Daddy, bring it home.

Black strap molasses,
you're my orange blossom honey bear.
Bring me Versace blue jeans
and black designer underwear.

We'll dress up like the disco-dancing jet set
in Milan and Rome.
And if you've got some sugar for me,
Sugar Daddy, bring it home.

Oh the thrill of control,
like the rush of rock and roll,
is the sweetest taste I've known.
If you've got some sugar bring it home.

When honey bees go shopping
it's something to be seen.
They swarm to wild flowers
and get nectar for the queen.

And everything you bring me
got me dripping like a honeycomb
and if you've got some sugar for me,
Sugar Daddy, bring it home.

Oh the thrill of control,
like a Blitzkrieg on the roll,
It's the sweetest taste I've know.
So if you've got some sugarbring it home.
Come on, Sugar Daddy, bring it home!

Whiskey and French cigarettes,
a motorbike with high-speed jets,
a Waterpik, a Cuisinart
and a hypo-allergenic dog.
I want all the luxuries of the modern age,
and every item on every page
in the Lillian Vernon catalogue.

So you think only a woman
can truly love a man.
Then you buy me the dress
I'll be more woman than a man like you can stand.

I'll be your Venus on a chocolate clam shell
rising on a sea of marshmallow foam
and if you got some sugar for me
Sugar Daddy, bring it home.

It's our tradition to control,
like Erich Honecker and Helmut Kohl(remember him?),
from the Ukraine to the Rhone.
Sweet home uber alles,
Lord, I'm coming home.

So come on, Sugar Daddy, bring me home.

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  • I'm DivineMsN
  • From Land of the Jersey Hair, New Joisey, United States
  • NYC girl who has away for awhile but somehow managed to make it back across the Mason-Dixon Line. Now living in NJ at least for the foreseeable future.
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