There is a federal initiative in place that states that federal agencies should have teleworking programs for their employees. This fall I signed up for the program and until recently have not heard a thing about when I can start. A coworker of mine mentioned this during a staff meeting and my branch chief said that he didnt know what the "official" Division policy was on when we could start. Yesterday I asked him again about the teleworking option. His boss (and our assistant Assistant Div. Chief) just happened to walk into his office during our conversation. "T" said that he wasnt sure if they were supposed to forward out paperwork up the ladder of command before people can start. How very typical of our agency. No one knows what the heck is going on and who is in charge. I went back to my desk and informed (emailed really) my boss that starting next week I was going to be teleworking every Wed. That is unless I heard otherwise from him. So far I haven't heard squat. So as far as I am concerned I am teleworking every Wed. So there!
OPM FAQ on Teleworking
OPM FAQ on Teleworking
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