Noemi's Wild Kingdom
Did you ever watch Jack Hanna's Wild Kingdom as a kid? I used to watch it Sat afternoons after all the cartoons were over. Growing up in my section of Brooklyn there weren't many opportunities to see animals in the wild (that is unless you took a trip to the Bronx Zoo). So Wild Kingdom was the only way that I could experience nature. But I digress, I noticed today that my corydoras (a type of catfish) have once again reproduced. I initially bought four of them about a year ago and they have had three offspring so far. They are going to make me get a bigger tank. I have the five of them in a ten gallon tank with two upside-down catfish and a betta. It is starting to get crowded. A certain someone who shall remain nameless suggested that I let them run amok and let the weaker ones die. But the sucker that I am can't do that. Plus I hate scooping dead fish. SHUDDER. Till I get a new tank looks like they will all have to get along :)
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