Thursday, July 26, 2007 

Greetings from AK.

Mr. K and I have been in AK for almost a week now and the weather has finally started to cooperate. For the past few days the weather has been overcast, drizzly and nippy. Not that I have minded I actually like that type of weather. I guess it compliments my often grumpy mood. I have been relaxing and catching up on some reading. So far I have read "Little Eartquakes"and I am almost done with "Guy Not Taken" both by Jennifer Weiner. I have done a bit of knitting and some sightseeing. Tomorrow I am actually going fishing at Seward. Lookout AK! Puertorican with a fishing pole! Hopefully I'll stay in the boat, not toss my cookies and have a good story for this blog. Till then.

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Friday, July 20, 2007 

Green or Stone?

Is it a sign of sickness when you look at coats online and you are trying to decide which color to get based on what color scarf you are knitting? HeHe. :)

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Thursday, July 19, 2007 

I found $200!

Well kind of. Cleaning my desk drawer out today I found a receipt for my last eye doctor appt. It was for $200. I faxed it over to FSAFEDS so that I could get my medical reimbursement. If you have access to a health savings account I highly recommend it. I take out $40 per payperiod to put into the plan and I always make sure that I use it all up by the end of the year. Makes working for the feds that much sweeter.

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Tuesday, July 10, 2007 

Stuck inside all day.

We are experiencing quite the heatwave here in the Philly metro area. Luckily I have been sick for the past two days so I have stayed home inside with the A/C cranked. I can't wait till Mr. K and I head off to AK at the end of the month. 65 degree weather never seemed so good.


Thursday, July 05, 2007 

I am Marthatron!

Yesterday afternoon I saw the new Transformers movie with Mr. K, Mr. K's cousin, Ms. CWV, and Mole. It was AWESOME! I had my doubts but they were blasted away by the first 5 minutes of the movie. I actually shivered when I heard Optimus Prime's voice. This morning I read on Wikipedia that there are going to be two more sequels. I emailed this info to my movie going crew and I got the following back from Mole...

hiya marthatron
transform and knit a sweater.

Freaking hilarious!

I am Marthatron!

Thanks Mole.


Sunday, July 01, 2007 

Breadmaker follies

I hauled Mr. K's grandmother's electric breadmaker out of the basement today. I tried to bake a loaf of bread and thought everything was going ok until I opened the breadmaker at the end of the bake cycle. Intead of a nice loaf of bread I saw instead a hard brick of bread. I dont know what I did wrong. I threw it out and went out to the store and got more supplies. I am not giving up!


About me

  • I'm DivineMsN
  • From Land of the Jersey Hair, New Joisey, United States
  • NYC girl who has away for awhile but somehow managed to make it back across the Mason-Dixon Line. Now living in NJ at least for the foreseeable future.
My profile


  • Blogger Templates
  • Snarkspot
  • Girl on Film
  • No More Me. Ice Guy
  • UrbanMuse
  • Confessions of a Woman on the Verge
  • You're Shitting Me, Right?
  • Confessions of the Koog
  • Blogging Project Runway
  • Craftster
  • Four Four
  • Project Rungay
  • Boston Gal's Open Wallet
  • Saving
  • Jennifer Weiner
  • Catster

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