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Tuesday, October 10, 2006 

25 Things I do to save money.

1. I try to use coupons for everything. I used to have a coupon book now I just keep them in a folder.

2. I have a warehouse membership. I just got it this week and used it to buy kitty litter and cat food. Spent about $40 but I wont need food for 5 weeks (at 0.29 cents a can) and litter for about the same time as well.

3. I use The Grocery Game in conjunction with coupons. I buy what's on sale.

4. Every month I sock away money into my savings account before I spend it.

5. I read frugal/financial blogs for more ideas on how to save.

6. I pack my lunch at least 3 times a week.

7. I make my own clothing when I can.

8. I make my own cards. Its cheaper and more meaningful.

9. I started using the local library.

10. I use mass transit to go to work.

11. I cook from scratch and make extra to give to Mr. K/freeze.

12. Use my heat and a/c only when necessary.

13. Turn off all lights when I don't need them.

14. Pay bills online so I don't have to pay late fees.

15. Pick up change from the ground and save it.

16. Put money in my employer matched 401k.

17. Wash clothes every two weeks.

18. Use the internet to bargain hunt.

19. Use email whenever possible so I don't use up my cell phone minutes.

20. Stockpile groceries when they are on sale.

21. Pay more than the minimum on my credit cards.

22. Sell unneeded items on Ebay.

23. Use a Flexible Spending Account for my health related expenses.

24. Combine errands to save on gas.

25. Use Netflix instead of going out to the movies too often.

The idea for this list came from Frugal Upstate. Thanks for sharing!

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Great list! I'm so glad that you enjoy my blog.

Actually I have to admit that the original idea for the 25 ways to save money list came from Dawn over at "Frugal for Life". If you go on over to this link:


and leave her a comment telling her that you added a list to your site she'll put you on the link list!

Great list! Kudos to you for being able to be successfully frugal! I try to do some of the things on your list but it usually doesn't quite work out for me...

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  • From Land of the Jersey Hair, New Joisey, United States
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