Money website I like.
I have been doing a lot of money/budgeting blog reading lately. I am working hard to get my finances under control. Especially now that I am considering making a huge purchase soon. One blog that I read daily is Boston Gal's Open Wallet. It is very informative and she is very honest about how she spends and saves money.
Labels: money blogs
Thanks for sharing! Some doesn't apply to me (non American that I am), but some is pretty universal and very interesting!
I've kept an Excel budget all year (well, more a record of all I've spent), so that I can make an accurate budget when I buy a house, soon. I'm not going to be in the "under 50% for all the 'must have expenses'" zone (not by far), but it gives me something to aim for. (this damned divorce thing has given my finances quite a beating! Bleh!)
I've found this link which might interest you too (completely by accident):
It doesn't have a huuuuge list of recipes, but it's still interesting (useful ideas).
What big purchase are you thinking about (or is it a secret for now)?
Posted by
muse |
8:54 PM
By the way, do you know ?
Tons of American freebies listed there. :)
P.S. I got your card, thank you so much! You're so creative!
Posted by
muse |
8:57 PM