Friday, September 29, 2006 

More of my own PR.

09-29-06_0635.jpg, originally uploaded by hockeygrrl75.

This is a shirt that I just finished yesterday. It's from They make fabulous patterns that are really wasy to use. I made a knock off of a shirt that I really liked that was $50. No way am I spending that much on a shirt that will prob be out of style next season. It's made of jersey fabric. I bought the red off of ebay and the purple at a local fabric store. I bought 5 yards of each and I have made two shirts so far from the purple jersey. I am finishing up a red baby jumper from the red material and plan on making a few more from both yards. I can def say that I made my money's worth.

PS: This was taken in my bathroom to excuse the tp in the background :)

Wednesday, September 27, 2006 

Stolen from Muse :)

The Movie Of Your Life Is A Cult Classic

Quirky, offbeat, and even a little campy - your life appeals to a select few.
But if someone's obsessed with you, look out! Your fans are downright freaky.

Your best movie matches: Office Space, Showgirls, The Big Lebowski


Your day too will come.

What is the purpose of having children if you are not going to treat them with respect and love? Someone, who shall remain nameless but we all know who this individual is, has two children. One that is doted over while the other is virtually ignored. This asshole is too selfish to realize that damage that they are doing. Either that or this person couldn't care less. I hope that one day you get what is coming to you. I'll be the bitch in the background laughing and pointing.

Monday, September 18, 2006 

Get rid of that clutter!

I am posting a link to this great post on The Family CEO. Here the author talks about clutter and finances. Her point is that having clutter shows that you are not fiscally responsible because you allow yourself to hoard things . Basically you dont use up stuff you buy. Then you go out and buy more stuff because you can't find what you already had.

The Family CEO


Thank you. Mr. Trump!

Mr. K and I hit the slots this weekend. I had $40 waiting for me courtesy of Mr. Trump so we hit the AC expressway to collect. We went to Trump Marina and played the penny slots. (Yeah I know, BIG SPENDERS)! I sat next to Mr. K and put in a $20. While we were chatting I hit it big! $100! Needless to say I cashed that beatch out! Next we hit Wild, Wild West on the Boardwalk. We parked next door at Trump (cause we had free parking with our lucky Trump cards). I played my favorite penny slots (Elephant King) and won $20. Yup, I cashed out then too. So for a $60 I doubled my money. Not too bad. I am saving it all for a rainy day :)

Friday, September 15, 2006 

The Final Four!

The FINAL FOUR contestants of Project Runway showed at Fashion Week today. check out Project Rungay for photos.
I am tied between wanting Laura or Michael to take it all. As long as Jeffrey doesn't win.

Thursday, September 14, 2006 

Good News Alaska!

You are finally getting a Target. Or as we lower 48 like to call Tar-jay.


Speaking about respect.....

A big shout out to Mr. K who drive back after dropping me off at work to lend me money. I apparently left my wallet at home this morning. He even walked to the ATM in the rain for me! Thanks Mr. K!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006 

A little more respect for the Cowboys.

So I watched just enough of Dancing with the Stars to catch my man Tucker shake his nilla ass on the dance floor. All I can say is man is he white :) He took it all in stride and was very charming as usual. I think his partner was pretty smart to have him start out sitting on the chair. The less me moved the better off he was. I do have to say that Emmitt Smith is the man! Shake it Emmitt! Oh and what the hell happened to Joey Lawrence??? WOHHH!!!!!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006 

I guess when he made me he was smirking.

I took this via my cameraphone today. I was on the way to the office from lunch. The sweatshirt reads "When God made me he was showing off". I thought this was too cute not to post.


Mobile Blogging

This is a test of Blogspots mobile blogging. Check out Dude! What a cuttie!


Not the kind of gift I was hoping for.

So I broke down yesterday and bought another kitty litter box. Leo had left me a little present outside of the other litter box which I found when I arrived from work last night. I took this as a sign that he no longer wanted to share a litter box with Dude. As much as I did not want to have two litterboxes in may apt I dont want anymore of Leo's presents either. He seemed happy this morning when I found him scratching around in it. We exchanged knowing glances and I hope he no longer feels the need to give me presents anymore.

Monday, September 11, 2006 

My own Project Runway.

This weekend I sewed two more shirts from the website. This particular blouse was pretty easy to make. I went out and bought some jersey material in purple and red. Each one took no more that a couple of hours each. I sewed them while watching "All about Eve" with Bette Davis and "What Happened to Baby Jane" also with Bette Davis and Joan Crawford. Both of these movies were excellent.

Friday, September 08, 2006 

Here is what I have been up to lately:

What I am reading:
Black Dahlia by James Ellroy

What I am watching:
All About Eve (original)
What Happened to Baby Jane

What I am listening to:
Searching for Alaska by Peter Jenkins

Thursday, September 07, 2006 

The end result.

Here is the photo of the kimono shirt that I sewed a few days ago. I made it a couple of sizes too big so I have to alter it. Not too bad I think.

Friday, September 01, 2006 

The Fashionista is back.

After acquiring my sewing machine I started working on some projects for myself. I am still getting a hang of sewing again after taking a 13 year hiatus. I have started and stopped a few projects but I think I finally will have something wearble soon. Keep your fingers crossed!

Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months. - Oscar Wilde

About me

  • I'm DivineMsN
  • From Land of the Jersey Hair, New Joisey, United States
  • NYC girl who has away for awhile but somehow managed to make it back across the Mason-Dixon Line. Now living in NJ at least for the foreseeable future.
My profile


  • Blogger Templates
  • Snarkspot
  • Girl on Film
  • No More Me. Ice Guy
  • UrbanMuse
  • Confessions of a Woman on the Verge
  • You're Shitting Me, Right?
  • Confessions of the Koog
  • Blogging Project Runway
  • Craftster
  • Four Four
  • Project Rungay
  • Boston Gal's Open Wallet
  • Saving
  • Jennifer Weiner
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