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Friday, June 17, 2005 

So True!

Here is my horoscope for today...

Your patience with some trying times early in the day keeps you in a properly good mood to enjoy the heck out of a fabulous evening. Stop at home and change into something that makes you feel dynamite.

This morning I woke up to some absolutely glorious weather. Not a drop of humidity and a wonderful breeze. Not your average Maryland spring/summer day. I was on a high looking forward to starting my day. Then I hit the road...

If you have children or other minors in the room I suggest you ask them to leave. What I have to say isn't for their eyes/ears.

On my way to work I saw some of the most horrendous driving I have ever seen in my life. If you have ever driven 295 in MD you know that it is a 2 lane highway with a speed limit of 55 that is always at a crawl. So I am driving along in the left lane with most of the other drivers when this asshole in a BMW decides to tailgate me. So of course being the New Yorker that I am I hit the brakes and give them the finger. He/She gets the message and backs off for a bit then decides to pass me. Fine with me. A little later on this same driver almost gets into a three car accident with some other morons who are also tailgating. I saw this in front of me and got ready to hit the brakes. Luckily all three avoided each other and did not cause a headache for the rest of us trying to get to work.

The day before I was coming home from UPS there was an accident a block away from my apt. An SUV plowed this Honda right into a telephone pole. It must have happened just minutes before I got there cause there were a ton of people around the cars and there wasn't a cop or ambulance in sight. So as I am trying to drive by the scene to get by this asshole in the pickup in front of me basically stopped right next to the accident to get a better look. It's not as if we couldn't see the damn thing from where we were. No, he had to stop the rest of traffic so that he could get a better look. Of course I blared my horn and he finally moved. Fucking douchebag. I felt for the people involved in the accident especially whoever was in the Honda.

So to all you Maryland drivers out there. FUCK YOU!

I can't wait to get out of here!!!!!!!!!!


And say hello to the New Jersey drivers... Not as bad as Ohio drivers, but up there with the worst...


Oh, Tom, you are soooo misguided. Most of the problems you see on the roads in New Jersey involve cars with the blue white and yellow Pennsylvania plates. Pennsylvania is basically North Maryland when it comes to driving. You're safer driving amongst the cabbies in New York City than you are in Philly. At least in Jersey, when people change lanes it is to try to get to where they are going quicker. In Pennsylvania people change lanes for no determinable reason whatsoever. Oh, look, a cow. I better move into the left lane and slow down so I can get a better look.

K- I second you on that. PA drivers are the MD drivers of the North!

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  • I'm DivineMsN
  • From Land of the Jersey Hair, New Joisey, United States
  • NYC girl who has away for awhile but somehow managed to make it back across the Mason-Dixon Line. Now living in NJ at least for the foreseeable future.
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