Give me a break.
As I was parked on the coach watching the telly I saw an ad for makeup that contains caffenine. I couldn't believe my ears. Makeup with caffenine? For christsakes! Don't we get enough of it through daily consumption? I know that I do. You don't even want to know what's in the regular makeup that women use every day. Do we really need this? No. But I bet there are women flocking now to their neighborhood drugstore buying this crap. Boo to these companies pimping this garbage. Now back to Swingers on VH1.
I say more drugs should go into things. Give me painkillers in my deoderant! Give me anti-depressants in my breakfast cereal! Give me Viagra in my hot dogs - they're too short as it is!
Posted by
Kev |
10:54 PM