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Tuesday, December 21, 2004 

Great Big Sea.

This weekend I pulled out a bunch of CDs that I had not listened to in years. I found myself playing one of my all time favorite bands Great Big Sea. They are a Canadian folk/rock band from New Foundland. Now how, you may ask, did a PRican girl from Brooklyn find herself liking such a band? I tell ya, if it weren't for Sonia (a Canadian girl I went to grad school with) I never would have heard of GBS. I saw them for the first time at the Bottom Line Club (which is no longer open) in the Village (once again in you need to ask which Village, tsk tsk). I also saw them at Artscape the year that I moved to Baltimore and at the Recher Theater in Towson. Anyway, one of the songs that I found myself listening to a few times is off of their Sea of No Cares album. You can listen to a 30 second snippet of the song here.

"Sea Of No Cares"

When you're in love, there's no time and no space
There's a permanent smile on your face
Your friends all complain that you're going insane
But the truth is they're just afraid

Hey somewhere,you threw your fear in the Sea of No Cares
Hey somewhere,you threw your fear in the Sea of No Cares

When you decide that what counts is inside
Your friends all say it's a lie
But there's no brighter light than the look in her eyes
When you're walking her home through the night


Let your self go with the tide
There's an angel by your side Tonight

Back at the bar getting cynically stoned
Your friends are drinking alone
But it's funny, they don't even cross your mind
When she asks you into her home


Last time I let myself go with the tide I was discovered washed up on some distant shore, battered and bruised and unable to cling to hope save for the last bit of strength I had left in my worn and weary fingers. One might think that would keep me away from the sea shore for good.

Ah, I've been on dry land long enough.

Surf's up, Dudes!

Can I come play in the sand with you?

Anytime. Just please, if you are going to bury me in the sand, make sure you unbury me before the tide comes back in.

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  • I'm DivineMsN
  • From Land of the Jersey Hair, New Joisey, United States
  • NYC girl who has away for awhile but somehow managed to make it back across the Mason-Dixon Line. Now living in NJ at least for the foreseeable future.
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