Awake at Night.
I have been having bouts of insomnia lately. I'll wake up at midnight and then can't fall asleep until 4 am. Its fine on the weekends but sucks during the week when I have to get up at 5:30 am for work. So I sit here and surf the web looking for something remotely interesting. Right now I am addicted to the Scott Peterson case. And as far as I am concerned that guy was a douche. Listen we have all had indiscretions and have wanted to off the ex. But listen, NORMAL people can control their feelings. Plus he as sloppy. I hate sloppy criminals. Well, off to bed, my cat is staring at me. I dont know if he's hungry or just asleep. Oh wait, he's eating from the garbage, that answers my question. Night Night readers.
You reap what you sow.
You reap what you sow.
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