Getting Ready for Halloween.
So I went out recently and bought some more Halloween decorations cause what I has was pretty pathethic. I got some neat light-up pumpkins and some stuff to wrap around the railing. I really like Halloween cause it is so cute to see the kids dressed up in their costumes. I let them take whatever they want from the candy basket cause I can't say no to them. This is one of the few times of the year where I wish I had children. Then I think about this sexy pair of shoes that I saw at the mall and thank God that I don't have any. :P I always get the good candy, cause why be cheap you're giving it out for free anyway. Unfortunately I openend up a bag so there are considerably less M & M's in there now. Note to self: pick up another bag of M & M's because once a bag is opened you might as well finish it.
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