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Friday, October 15, 2004 

Rant: Women over 40 are boring (looking that is).

This past weekend I went out amongst a crowd of women who were for the most part over 40. I came to the conclusion that all of the women there were so boring looking. I sat there amongst the conversation and just observed what was going on. They all had these mall haircuts, you know the type that I am talking about, every soccer mom has it. And they were all various shades of blonde or wanna be blond. And the wrinkles, I wont even go there! LOL. Is this what happens after you get married, that you just give up? The only ones that even made an effort were the divorced ones and trust me there is nothing more pathetic than a divorced woman over 40. They try too hard. I was the only natural brunette in the room. As a matter of fact I got a few compliments about this purple shirt that I wore. One woman said that it went mice with my dark hair. I smiled my best Grace Kelly smile and thanked her. That is twice in the last 6 months that some older woman has commented on my hair. I know I have great hair and I am not afraid of being a non-blonde. As a matter of fact I wear my dark hair with pride ( and my great green eyes)! Listen I am all for fighting the age monster and all that but I draw the line at going to the salon and coming out looking like every other surburban yenta. Get my drift?

So I am posting this up for everyone (who reads my blog that is) to see:

1) I will never ever go blonde. I will occasionally put red streaks in my hair to jazz things up a bit. Can't argue with that.

2) I refuse to get the mandatory short soccer mom haircut. Even if I ever become one.

3) I will fight every wrinkle and sag with every tooth and nail I got! That is why God invented anti-wrinkle cream and plastic surgeons.

4) In the case of a divorce I will not resort to dumbing myself down for a man. No man is worth that.

5) In the event that I have children I will continue to get manicures and pedicures cause damnit I am worth it. :)

6) I will never resort to department store "couture" ie. Kohl's, Penney's, Sears etc. As a former NYer I would rather die that get caught in a matching twinset from Hechts. Macy's and Bloomingdale's are ok because they carry high end stuff.

OK I really think that's it. I have to get back to bed. I am sure that there is come fascinating CNN story on I am missing. Oh and I am tired too.


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  • I'm DivineMsN
  • From Land of the Jersey Hair, New Joisey, United States
  • NYC girl who has away for awhile but somehow managed to make it back across the Mason-Dixon Line. Now living in NJ at least for the foreseeable future.
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