Out with the old.
I read an interesting article from the Baltimore City Paper about a woman who got so fed up with all the stuff she had in her garage and her home that she decided to give it all away. I am the type of person who loves to throw stuff out and I love even more to give it away. Recently we re-did little Mr. K's bedroom and I went through his stuff and found a bunch of clothing that was too small for his. I put it on Freecycle and it was gone in two days. The guy who picked it up was happy to have it and I was happy to give it away. We have a bunch of stuff in the basement that I need to go thru and decide what is going. I will either Freecycle again or give it to Goodwill.
What?!? No AC shoutout? Bandit is not pleased! :P
Posted by
Eliza |
9:22 AM
Freecycle rules! I use it for cds, books and clothes too!
Posted by
Greycats |
12:12 AM