Friday, August 31, 2007 

Forgivenesss and moving on.

Sometimes someone most dear to you does something so out of character that you cannot believe that they committed an act so heinous. The drama part of me just wants to run as far away as I can. The adult side wants me to forgive. And so I will, but I will not forget. Next time you even think about committing this action again remember all that you will lose and the rain of hell you find yourself in.

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Monday, August 27, 2007 

Good Morning Baltimore!

I am sitting here writing from my 28th floor hotel room overlooking the Baltimore Inner Harbor. I am in training mode at work and I am teaching three classes this week. Last night I stayed at a Marriott near the DC convention center. Tonight I am in Baltimore. I plan on going to a bookstore and having dinner at the Inner Harbor. Going to turn in early so that I can get ready for tomorrow. I miss Mr. K and all the kitties but I will see them soon.

PS Go see the movie "Hairspray". It was awesome. I want to go see the Broadway musical!

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Friday, August 24, 2007 

Home Happenings

Mr. K and I just added two new beings to our hosuehold. We got two little kittens Eva and Marty (now re-named Jazz). We got them from the Camden County Animal Shelter. We had the intention of just getting one but after we saw all the kittens we had to get two. We finally introduced them to Dude and Leo and it went ok. There was some hissing, some running away but mothing major.

We also got our dining room table, an heirloom from Mr. K's grandparents. We unpacked it last nite and brought it in with just enough time to log in for our football draft.

We'll post pics as soon as we can get the kittens to sit still :)

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Sunday, August 12, 2007 

Sunday Nite Viewing

On Sunday Mr. K and I watched a marathon of Flight of the Conchords on HBO on demand. I caught an episode this past week when I was travelling for work and I thought it was pretty funny. I showed the episode to Mr. K and four hours later we had watched the entire season. We are going to DVR tonite's episode cause Mr. K wants to see the Flavor Flav roast on Comedy Central. Click below to see a clip from the show.


Wednesday, August 01, 2007 

Summer Reading

This summer I have read a few books that I never thought that I would be interested in. I discovered some great fiction writers. Holly Black writes books about teens and the supernatural. Stephenie Meyer writes about teenage vampires and Jennifer Weiner a wonder chick lit author. I have just been browsing bookstore and picking stuff up that sounded interesting. I have also gotten a few books from I will be travelling again for work in the next few months so I am collecting books to keep me company.

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About me

  • I'm DivineMsN
  • From Land of the Jersey Hair, New Joisey, United States
  • NYC girl who has away for awhile but somehow managed to make it back across the Mason-Dixon Line. Now living in NJ at least for the foreseeable future.
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  • Blogger Templates
  • Snarkspot
  • Girl on Film
  • No More Me. Ice Guy
  • UrbanMuse
  • Confessions of a Woman on the Verge
  • You're Shitting Me, Right?
  • Confessions of the Koog
  • Blogging Project Runway
  • Craftster
  • Four Four
  • Project Rungay
  • Boston Gal's Open Wallet
  • Saving
  • Jennifer Weiner
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