Tuesday, April 24, 2007 

What's happening with me.

When did the second season of Twin Peaks get released? And how was it done so that I wasnt aware of it!!! I went to Tar-jay tonite in beautiful Altoona, PA. Actually it is really pretty. I was in Hollidaysburg which is right next door. Very picturesque and quaint. Can't wait to get back to watch Twin Peaks.

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Wednesday, April 18, 2007 

Freaking Hilarious Justin Timberlake SNL skit

Tonite I am sitting in Butler County, PA on business. I am trying not to watch all the news coverage on the senseless murder at VT. Instead I finally remembered to search on You Tube for the SNL skit with Justin Timberlake "Dick in a Box". This is hilarious and not safe for work. Last month I went with Ms. CWV to go see Justin Timberlake in concert. He put on a pretty good show but I was shocked to see how many mothers brought young children to the show. There were aspects of the show that were not meant for kids. Boy has Justin come a long way from NSYNC :)

"Dick in a Box" from YouTube

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Monday, April 16, 2007 

Sending my prayers out...

My heart goes out to the victims and the families of those who were murdered at Virgina Tech today. It seems that you can't even send your kids off to school and expect them to be safe. Mr K's daughter's school was the target of three bomb threats a few weeks ago. Luckily they were pranks but at the same time they called off school for two days and now two local teens have been arrested and are facing criminal charges. What is wrong with people these days?


Friday, April 13, 2007 

Shout out to Mr. K.

Thanks to Mr. K for keeping the fort while I was away on business. He did a FANTASTIC job setting up little Mr. K's closet and cleaning up the house.


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Tuesday, April 10, 2007 

On the road again.

This morning I am in beautiful Lancaster County, PA. I am on a three day tour for work. Its much colder out here so I am glad I brought some warm clothes. I also brought lots of stuff to entertain myself with so that I dont get bored. I was glad that I was able to watch Seinfeld and The Sopranos last nite, I totally forgot the last season started. Mr. K if you are reading this set the DVR!


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Friday, April 06, 2007 

For Ms. CWV!


About me

  • I'm DivineMsN
  • From Land of the Jersey Hair, New Joisey, United States
  • NYC girl who has away for awhile but somehow managed to make it back across the Mason-Dixon Line. Now living in NJ at least for the foreseeable future.
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  • You're Shitting Me, Right?
  • Confessions of the Koog
  • Blogging Project Runway
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  • Four Four
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