Furry Heat Hogs.
As many of you know I am cheap with the heat. I installed (ok Mr. K installed) a programable thermometer for the new home. I have set it up so that it turns on at 5:30 in the AM just as Mr. K is getting up in the morning (and convienently the house is nice and warm when I get up at 6). We have been having a warm spell lately so I have been making sure that there has been no unnecessary heat usuage. My cats do not approve. Apparently it is too cold for them in the house and they have taken to laying in front of the heat registers and using all the heat up. There have been a few times when I have been looking for them and have found them splayed out in front the the heat vents. Dude likes the one in the living room and Leo is partial to the one in our bedroom. What the heck? They have fur!!!!! If the humans can keep themselves warm then the cats should be content. They have turned into furry little heat hogs. Stop stealing the heat cats!!! We (occasionally) need some too.
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