The Cheapo Homeowner.
One of the things that I want to do now that I am a homeowner is to watch our energy consumption. As the "electron nazi" I cannot sleep at night knowing that there may be a lamp or a tv on that is sucking energy. I do (or make Mr. K do) a nightly patrol of the house before going to bed making sure everything that needs to be off is turned off. I need to train the cats to either turn off all the unnecessary lights or come and tell their mom if there is a light left on. I am investigating using compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs). I bought some at Ikea a couple of years ago that I don't really care for. Turns out that these bulbs are actually quite shitty. I think I am going to start with the lamps in the living room and see how I like them. Here is a site that is recommended.
I'm scared to try those CFL things. Fluorescent lights give me migraines. But these are supposed to be better than those long tube fluorescents, right? I think I'll try an area at first where I don't spend too much time, like the upstairs hallway.
Posted by
Tiredbuthappy |
5:25 PM