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Monday, August 28, 2006 

Good Grief.

Why can't I find good help anymore? First, it was the cat sitter who forgot about the cats for a few days while I was on vacation. Now its the house cleaning service that I hired whose cleaner didnt show up when scheduled. They then sent someone over the following day and is now trying to make me pay them an amount that was higher that they quoted. I'll tell ya something if I owned one of these business I would certainly treat customers a lot better.


Sorry about your poopy house cleaner. I knew that price sounded too low. Sometimes, they will raise the price if the apartment is larger than they expected. Did they at least do a good job? It must be because you like in NJ (hee, hee.)

I guess the next one you hire, you'll have to check their references. boo.

If you owned one of these businesses, eh?

I think you would do an incredible job (and certainly the types of BS situations you've experienced lately would never happen in your business), but you'd be more prone to tell the customers things that they need to hear, not things that they particularly want to hear.

Of course, there's a plus side to that ... the customers who are smart enough to keep you and follow your advice will learn a lot - and will probably still pay you to "clean" their house even though you'd have already gotten them to clean it themselves!

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