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Thursday, September 15, 2005 

Toot Toot!

I finally got moved into my new place. I have been unpacking for 2 straight days. Sad to say but I am actually glad to be out of there and at the office. Things picked up while I was away so I am trying to get back on track. But at least the weekend is around the corner!

Last night I put together my home theater system. I use the term loosely as my media equipment is pretty sad. Mr. K. came by for a short visit and assisted me in figuring out where some of the wires went. I got everything set up and sat down and watch Moonstruck. So I am gonna toot my own own here now that my home theater is all set up now!

In other news I apparently have a stalker at my old job. My stats say that someone from there has been reading my blog lately. If it is who I think it is all I have to say is "Fat Ugly Cunt" says hi.


Mebbie it's Mike.

You shouldn't sugar-coat it... Let us know how you really feel about her!

Same thing here... My Fla. stalker I think may be my ex-brother-in-law, who the last time I heard still had a $500 a day coke habbit to go along with his child bride...

Ranger Tom-

I got an email from someone who got it from this certain individual who called me "Big Fat Cunt". I know that she is reading my blog (there were like 20 hits alone today). Or did she call me "Ugly Fat Cunt"? LMAO! I just want to point out to her that I am onto her game.

I kind of gathered that... ;)

What I'm planning on doing, maybe in the next week or so is blog about my ex-brother-in-law...

At 44, he shows up to my wedding with his new (I shit you not) 13 year old bride... (13 is legal in PA)

And back in the 70's got thrown out of Annapolis for smoking dope,

In the 80's was fired from Braniff Airlines (he was a pilot for them) for having a $500 a day coke habbit... Now he's also lost his pilot's license for good over that...

And HE lives in Florida...

So I'll smoke whoever it is out.

Good luck on your new place, BTW...

Ewwww! 13 yo bride to a 44 yo geezer junkie!!!! *shudders*

I meant to comment on Divine's post but your comment just made me forget anything that I wanted to say, ranger tom! LOL

Bleh! Gross! Double bleh!

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  • I'm DivineMsN
  • From Land of the Jersey Hair, New Joisey, United States
  • NYC girl who has away for awhile but somehow managed to make it back across the Mason-Dixon Line. Now living in NJ at least for the foreseeable future.
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