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Thursday, April 28, 2005 

Math I can understand.

I am enrolled in this certificate program at work in which I have to take 7 math classes to qualify for the certificate. I went to take the placement exam today and I failed miserably. Please note that I have not take an algebra class in over 10 years. I have to take the pre-alegbra class with all the other retards now. LOL! Luckily I am dating a super-math whiz who actually likes algebra. If I had done that while in school I prob would have gotten better grades!

One other thing I learned today is the formula that equates that minimum age of a woman that he is allowed to date. I found this formula on FARK today in reference to the breaking news story that Tom Cruise is now dating Katie Holmes. The formula goes as follows:

42 / 2 + 7 = 28

42 is the man's age
2 is his age divided in half
7 is some number that gets added to it (don't know why)
28 is the minimum age of the woman he can date.

I wont make a comment on this as I am sure my readers will have plenty to day :) FLAME ON!


If by "that" you mean "me" then yes, if you had "done that" in high school you would have received a heck of a lot of help in math (and any other subject in which you decided you needed help).

And apparently this means I am allowed a 23 year old girlfriend ...

Well you better be happy with a 29 year old one now :)

I think you need adjust the constant, or make it logarithmic, or something. The formula

D = (A/2) + 7

where D = date's age
and A = dater's age

would give me a 36-YO, and that's minimum 10 years too young.

26.5, I don't know about this. I can't meet a woman I can tolerate more than a few dates my own age...

And remember, this formula is from Tom Cruse, who actually left Nicole Kidmann from God's sake!

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