DC Beltway and my own mortality
I saw one of the most horrific accidents that I have ever seen on the DC Beltway today. I was in the far left lane and got to see the entire scene. It sent chills down my spine. To my left I saw the front of semitruck was completely smashed in. As I crawled by it I thought, "What the hell could have done that to a semi"? A little further up the road there was a red SUV with the door pried open. Police and other rescue workers were surrounding the driver's side and there was a white sheet over where they had pried the door off. Luckily we were going super slow cause I broke down and cried. I was feeling rather crappy anyway because I got no sleep last night. I seriously doubt the driver survived the impact. I hate driving which is one the reasons why I hate living in MD. The public transit system sucks so I have no choice but to drive. I don't trust other drivers and everytime I get in my car I pray that I make it back alive. All I pray that if I am in such a situation that death come quickly. Shudder.
One of the myrad reasons I'm not a cop anymore. I was sick of scraping people off the pavement.
Posted by
Thomas J Wolfenden |
12:38 PM
Ugh. Just the idea gives me the willys.
Posted by
DivineMsN |
2:40 PM