I've been a bad bad girl...
Yesterday I took a quick trip to Walmart to get some of those really cheap lunch containers. I didn't really feel like going home so I wandered around the store a bit. Bad idea. I came across the bedding section and saw this really cool comforter set. Now I need a new comforter set like I need a hole in the head but the price was right and I loved the pattern so I bought it. It totally made my day! I felt justified in buying it because right now I am going through all of my stuff doing some spring cleaning. Anything I haven't worn in the past season is going to be donated. Plus with the possiblity of me moving I am trying to downsize. So much for buying a new bed, I have enough linen for 6 full sized beds! What can I say I like variety :)
Ooh! You naughty girl! Whatever shall we do to you?
You know, every time I try to downsize I wind up buying more stuff, too. Sort of like the way I gain weight every time I diet. And the more I watch my spending, the more I wind up spending.
Posted by
Kev |
2:22 PM
While you're downsising, I'm trying to get more stuff at this point... I'd like a new comforter set. I've got one set of sheets and they're pretty thread-bare...
But enjoy!
Posted by
Thomas J Wolfenden |
10:10 PM