Yesterday I went to the dentist and was told, well it was suggested, that I purchase an electric toothbrush. They were pushing a Sonicare brush that goes for a min of $100. I looked online and the depeding on the model I can get one for between $100 and $155! Yikes! I opted for a cheapy $5 model from CVS until I decide whether or not to purchase a Sonicare. So fellow readers what should I do?
I'm thinking about getting a sonicare one too, because apparently I brush too hard and it's hurting my gums... But that's a lot of moolah! (and there are so many other things on the "needed/wanted" list!)
Posted by
muse |
10:46 AM
Talk to Mr. CWV - he has crazy dental issues, and the sonicare has worked wonders for him.
Posted by
Eliza |
11:26 AM
I am gonna scan the sales papers and see when I can get one for less that what I saw yesterday. Thanks for your comments!
Posted by
DivineMsN |
1:08 PM