LMFAO (aka that's my line).
From Overheard in NY
"Yeah, and my mom married an alcoholic."
Guy: Dad, you had to see this broad; she must have been 200 to 250.
Dad: Like you're some prize. You are 40, divorced, have 3 kids and live at home with your parents.
--68th & York
"Yeah, and my mom married an alcoholic."
Guy: Dad, you had to see this broad; she must have been 200 to 250.
Dad: Like you're some prize. You are 40, divorced, have 3 kids and live at home with your parents.
--68th & York
Adding to the Accountants thing. Check this
The ledger of love: accountancy poems
From: By NEWS.com.au readers
February 14, 2006
FOLLOWING a report that accountants were some of the most eligible
singletons in the country, we asked readers to pen the love verses of
Thanks to our contributors you can now enjoy some sizzling Valentine's
Day high-finance poetry.
From: Nick
Memoirs of a bean counter
She was my eternal abacus,
Calculating and symmetrical,
Her eyes beady and marbled,
Legs as long as PBL's P&L,
A firm bust, like a bullish year.
We skipped entrees to my hearts content, With luck no wine and a low
cost main, But then the positive forecast was downgraded, To my utter
disdain, the bitch had no cash flow.
But alas a miracle, our meals were cold and gratis:
There would indeed be an entry in my ledger tonight.
From: Walter
Our tickmarks are in green,
Our references are in red,
Not only are we good with cash,
We're also good in bed.
From: Triple S
Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
I don't rhyme very well
But I've got bucket loads of money.
From: Wendy
After checking your personal records,
I've found a hidden loophole that I feel I can exploit to our mutual
Can we combine to balance our accumulated libidos?
There's a deficit in my life that only you can turn to profit. Call
From: Trent
An Accountant's Love Poem
To my Darling Fixed Asset
Ever since you washed my pocket protector,
I can't seem to balance the general ledger,
You even mended my brown woolen vest,
and my glasses keep fogging up with sweat.
Ever hour I watch the clock,
and keep thinking about you in six-minute chargeable blocks,
I know what I'd really really like to do,
and that is name a tax loophole after you.
From: Nathan
Roses are Red
Numbers are great,
I find algebra exciting
and sex better with a mate
From: Aaron
What do I want in a woman?
Should her figure be a number 9,
big up top with long, shapely leg?
Or even a zero, round all over?
No, my desires calculate an 8,
The perfect hourglass,
To draw my thoughts from double-entry bookkeeping.
From: Daniel
Being with you brings me great profit,
everything about you adds up.
You are the positive half of my balance sheet.
The net effect of our relationship is bliss.
You are like an increase in my tax return or a high annual bonus.
Even though we go through our downturns and have months where a loss is
We are consistently in the black.
Be my Valentine this day, I will never keep a second set of books with
in my life.
From: Dean
that look in your eye
and your forecast ROI
and your figure that fits in my beemer
make my forex trades a saviour and redeemer
let's elope in the morn
after we fill out the private school form
From: Britt
May I be the credit to your debit.
From: Lauren
Deficit is red,
profit is black
I love you,
and that's a fact
My love for you is longer than PI
Tell me now, will you be my guy?
From: Arthur
You've got nice assets
I'll give you credit
But if you want dinner
Your wallet I will debit.
From: Anthony
Oh tax, I cannot account for the credit I give your love
How can I repay my debit to you?
My interest in your assets knows no bounds.
From: Rob
You have always figured in my life which is only balanced by your love
- Your little spreadsheet!
From: Michael
My heart is in deficit.
I want to deposit your love in my long term savings account.
From our love an asset will grow that can't be liquidated baby.
NB I particularly like you use of recycled materials for the card you
me. Very efficient.
From: Mark
I have cash,
will you please love me,
Even as I bore you talking about my family tree;
I am honoured and thrilled I am your primary selection
Now let me show you my stamp collection.
From: Mrs P
To my darling Pete
Oh how I love your feet
I love the way you fix my books
And when you give me one of those looks
And when you changed your name to PT
You made my heart skip a Beaty
And next time when you sharpen your pencil
Just think of me I would like to be your stencil
From: Jeff
There is a lot to be said for Accountants.
They do it without losing their balance.
I have weighed up the cost benefit analysis of you and me -
And baby, the bottom line says we should be together.
From: Bubbles
To my favourite little number
1 + 1 = 2
you love me
and I love you
Be my Valentine
Posted by
sendafire |
4:38 PM